Castle Lichtenau
Castle Lichtenau
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Lorrach, Alemania5,147 aportes
may de 2021
I was surprised to see such an impressive and well maintained fortress in such a small town. I was originally just driving through but was so amazed that I decided to stop and visit it. The museum was closed and place was very quiet. There were just a few more visitors. But the gates were all open and it was possible to walk around and enjoy its magnificence. It was unexpectedly enjoyable afternoon.
Escrita el 15 de mayo de 2021
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Núremberg, Alemania161 aportes
ago de 2017
Schönes Ausflugsziel für einen entspannten Sonntag. Mit dem Auto gut erreichbar von der Autobahn. Sonntag Abend am Gelände keine Restaurants, aber in der Umgebung.
Escrita el 6 de agosto de 2017
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Moro, IL2,580 aportes
jun de 2016 • Familia
This is an amazing place with a long history of a variety of uses. It was even a prison at one point. The first documented evidence of this castle fortress was in 1246. We walked around the perimeter of the fortress and were surprised to see goats in the moat. Apparently they are the lawn mowers.
As we walked around and through a gateway, I pointed out the filled-in opening above our heads. I've seen these openings before. I believe this, like the others, was for pouring hot oil over the heads of the enemies who have breached the castle fortification.
There is an abundance of history here and it's worth finding it and visiting if you are in the area.
As we walked around and through a gateway, I pointed out the filled-in opening above our heads. I've seen these openings before. I believe this, like the others, was for pouring hot oil over the heads of the enemies who have breached the castle fortification.
There is an abundance of history here and it's worth finding it and visiting if you are in the area.
Escrita el 16 de junio de 2016
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Татьяна П
Moscú, Rusia571 aportes
may de 2013 • Familia
Путешествовали по "Немецкой дороге замков", заехали в городок Лихтенау, посмотрели крепость. Толстенные стены и впечатляющие угловые башни, ров между внешней и внутренней стеной, в котором пасутся очаровательные барашки, ребенок был в восторге. Все какое-то очень мощное. К сожалению в свободном доступе только двор крепости и возможность пройти по стенам. Внутри расположен архив Нюрнберга, которому очень долго принадлежал Лихтенау, и посещение возможно только по предварительной договоренности, у нас ее, естественно не было, поэтому просто погуляли. Но впечатлений получили массу. Других туристов не было.
Escrita el 6 de abril de 2014
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
What are the opening hours in March
Escrita el 3 de febrero de 2019
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