I didn’t know what to expect from this experience and in the end I came out deeply enriched. Pietro, despite being very young, is an attentive and prepared Pro, excellent storyteller and respectful of the times and personality of the guest. He knows how to communicate his clear passion for the territory and in particular the local fauna. The walk in which he accompanied me is suitable for everyone and made even more interesting by his explanations and anecdotes. The lunch included in the experience turned out to be very pleasant and above all plentiful! Recommendation to come with hunger. Roberto then took care of the second part of the experience, supported by Pietro, his son. I found Roberto's exposition honest and genuine, which I can imagine may be perceived as controversial for some, but personally I found it deeply educational and stimulated my curiosity in wanting to deepen the subject of falconry. I do not know if Roberto is fully aware of his narrative qualities, but I perceived the explanatory path he conceived as genuine, concrete to compelling. I do not anticipate anything but on the last narration I was moved. All set in a practical and efficient context, surrounded by beautiful nature. I sensed not only the collaboration of the whole family with the animals present (not only birds) but also honest attention to the host. Perhaps because I too am a mountaineer, albeit from the Dolomites, I found myself in tune with the messages of Pietro and Roberto who live the relationship between man and nature not as in a Disney film but mutual respect and collaboration. My Recommendation is to let you guide and get involved: try to see the themes treated with the perhaps utopian and passionate eyes of Robert and Peter. Whatever idea you eventually take home, you'll be enriched.