Wahweap Hoodos
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33 opiniones
Muy bueno
Evansville, IN381 aportes
abr de 2023 • Solitario
Went 4-5-23. Really cold in the morning so crossing the meandering water flow in the wash was freezing, soaked my feet several times. No deep water, maybe ankle high at times. By the time the afternoon sun was out, the soaked feet felt good. Most of the hike in the wash was waterless, just sand and/or mud. Saw no vehicles parked at the actual trailhead, everybody parked along a pullout before crossing the wash which did have water and lots of mud. The hoodoos were fun to see but honestly, I didn’t really think they were worth the long hike. I mean, they were worth it but at the same time, the toadstool hoodoos a few miles west on 89 were just as impressive. The wahweap site has many more and they were bigger but the toadstool site is pretty darn good and a much shorter hike and much easier parking. Get your directions to the site online before you go and don’t rely on the visitor center. They were closed the day I tried to visit and they have really short and inconvenient hours.
Escrita el 7 de abril de 2023
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Widen, Suiza161 aportes
may de 2019 • Amigos
Eine Wanderung welche man unbedingt einplanen sollte. Bizarr was hier die Natur geschaffen hat. Zeitbedarf ca. 90 Minuten sollte dafür eingeplant werden. Vergiesst das Trinkwasser nicht, da es je nach Jahreszeit sehr heiss werden kann. Parkplatz ist direkt vor dem Einstieg beschränkt verfügbar.
Escrita el 6 de junio de 2019
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Los Ángeles, CA754 aportes
may de 2019 • Solitario
Follow the directions from the rangers and u can't go wrong.
Big Water contact station, turn to the other side. Coming from Kanab, turn left to Ethat Ellan road, then Turn left to Fish hatchery road, cross a creek to BLM 327. The Trailhead parking will be on the right.
Cross the road and start walking, when you get to the wash, there's barb wire. The gate is on the right, which needs to be opened in order to enter the trail.
There are no signs on the trail, so don't look for them. Follow the wash for about 4.5 miles and the Hoodoos will be on the LEFT.
Absolutely amazing when you get there, makes you wonder, how and who found them in the middle of nowhere 😊
The hike itself isn't extremely interesting, but I still highly recommend it for the Crown Jewel.
There are a lot of them, huge and small take your time to see them all.
The weather was a bit weird, hot and sandy winds. Check what's installed for ur day before the hike.
Enjoy 😁
Big Water contact station, turn to the other side. Coming from Kanab, turn left to Ethat Ellan road, then Turn left to Fish hatchery road, cross a creek to BLM 327. The Trailhead parking will be on the right.
Cross the road and start walking, when you get to the wash, there's barb wire. The gate is on the right, which needs to be opened in order to enter the trail.
There are no signs on the trail, so don't look for them. Follow the wash for about 4.5 miles and the Hoodoos will be on the LEFT.
Absolutely amazing when you get there, makes you wonder, how and who found them in the middle of nowhere 😊
The hike itself isn't extremely interesting, but I still highly recommend it for the Crown Jewel.
There are a lot of them, huge and small take your time to see them all.
The weather was a bit weird, hot and sandy winds. Check what's installed for ur day before the hike.
Enjoy 😁
Escrita el 22 de mayo de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Terry M
Campbell, CA208 aportes
may de 2018
We hiked nine miles round trip the day we visited the Wahweap Hoodos. The hike was fairly flat for the most part and we only saw one group of people as we were leaving. After talking to someone at the Big Water BLM ranger station, we drove past the fish hatcheries and drove our Rav4 across the creek to the parking area. We were able to to this because there wasn't much water in the creek. There's also an area to park in without having to drive across the creek. It would extend your hike a little and you would have to walk across the creek. From our parking area the trail was fairly easy to find. We took lots of camera gear and our lunch and spent a very pleasant day. Fun! We visited in March of 2018.
Escrita el 2 de abril de 2019
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Dorlisheim, Francia139 aportes
feb de 2019 • Pareja
Site très peu connu et peu visité et pourtant, il aurait bien plus de mérite de l'être que MExican hat par exemple.
La petite marche d'environ 45min-1h pour s'y rendre est sympa. Mais inaccessible après une grosse pluie / orage par contre.
Le site en lui même n'est pas très grand mais vraiment intéressant et photogénique.
Préféré largement ce stop plutot que Mexican Hat par exemple
La petite marche d'environ 45min-1h pour s'y rendre est sympa. Mais inaccessible après une grosse pluie / orage par contre.
Le site en lui même n'est pas très grand mais vraiment intéressant et photogénique.
Préféré largement ce stop plutot que Mexican Hat par exemple
Escrita el 13 de marzo de 2019
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Prefectura de Hyogo , Japón135 aportes
may de 2018 • Familia
Escrita el 20 de junio de 2018
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Steve F
Bellevue, WA983 aportes
may de 2018 • Familia
Tip here is to stop first at the Big Water Visitor Center for directions to reach the hoodoos. We did not do this, relying instead on rather vague directions from a trustworthy internet site. While we had a fun walk up the dry creekbed and did see some interesting sites, we didn't reach the hoodoos.
Escrita el 28 de mayo de 2018
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Evansville, IN381 aportes
abr de 2018 • Amigos
We went here today and followed the directions to the parking area and then hiked in the wash. There were no signs. We saw what we assume were once signs but we're currently just boards hanging up with no info. There was a fence across the whole wash wrapped in barbed wire. It was unclear if we were to stay away so we decided to turn around.
Escrita el 29 de abril de 2018
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Tokio, Japón178 aportes
abr de 2017 • Familia
トレイルヘッドからはほぼ川沿いを上流に向かって7.5km、 1時間半ほど歩けばWahweap Hoodoosに到達するはずだったのですが、2017年4月時点でトレイルヘッドの先にはフェンスが張られており(川にも河原にも河岸にも延々と)、行き止まりとなっていました。どこかに出入り口でもあるのではないかとフェンス沿いを歩いてみましたが出入り口はなく、行政なのか地権者なのかわかりませんが、立ち入りを禁止しているようでした。数か所フェンスが破れている(人為的に破られている)ところはあり、そこから侵入した足跡もありましたが、私はやめておくのが無難と判断し、Wahweap Hoodoosは諦めて引き返しました。昔はOKだったのに今は立ち入り禁止にしたのか、それとも季節的に禁止期間を設けているだけなのかはわかりませんが、2017年4月上旬現在は上述のような状況でした。
トレイルヘッドに駐車している米国人の婦人がおり、一緒に来た仲間2人はフェンスの破れているところから入ってHoodoosに向かったけれども私は行かずに残って車で待っているのだと話してくれました。この婦人が、近くにToadstool Hoodoosという別のとてもラブリーなHoodooがあり、アクセスも容易でおすすめだと教えてくれましたので、予定を変更してそちらに行きました。Toadstool Hoodoosのレビューもアップしていますので、よかったらご覧ください。
トレイルヘッドからはほぼ川沿いを上流に向かって7.5km、 1時間半ほど歩けばWahweap Hoodoosに到達するはずだったのですが、2017年4月時点でトレイルヘッドの先にはフェンスが張られており(川にも河原にも河岸にも延々と)、行き止まりとなっていました。どこかに出入り口でもあるのではないかとフェンス沿いを歩いてみましたが出入り口はなく、行政なのか地権者なのかわかりませんが、立ち入りを禁止しているようでした。数か所フェンスが破れている(人為的に破られている)ところはあり、そこから侵入した足跡もありましたが、私はやめておくのが無難と判断し、Wahweap Hoodoosは諦めて引き返しました。昔はOKだったのに今は立ち入り禁止にしたのか、それとも季節的に禁止期間を設けているだけなのかはわかりませんが、2017年4月上旬現在は上述のような状況でした。
トレイルヘッドに駐車している米国人の婦人がおり、一緒に来た仲間2人はフェンスの破れているところから入ってHoodoosに向かったけれども私は行かずに残って車で待っているのだと話してくれました。この婦人が、近くにToadstool Hoodoosという別のとてもラブリーなHoodooがあり、アクセスも容易でおすすめだと教えてくれましたので、予定を変更してそちらに行きました。Toadstool Hoodoosのレビューもアップしていますので、よかったらご覧ください。
Escrita el 2 de agosto de 2017
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Harold W
Upland, CA546 aportes
abr de 2017 • Solitario
I'm not sure that some of the review below are correct; but to the best of my knowledge, to get to the Wahweap Hoodoos you (1) leave hwy 89 and Big Water, UT and follow the directions below, passing fish hatcheries. I parked shortly before the dirt road crossed Wahweap Creek and walked from there. You reach the "official" trailhead parking about 1/4 mile after crossing the creek. Follow the signs and you will be led down into the Wahweap Creek bed. Shortly you must crawl through or over a barb-wire fence (probably there to keep ATVs out). After that, you walk up the creek bed, trying to make a somewhat direct route as it meanders back-and-forth up the canyon (also look for places where the walking will be easiest). I had an ideal day - not hot or windy and the creek flow was very low, so it was easy to cross when necessary. After 3+ miles start watching the left side of the canyon for the beginning of the hoodoos. Just beyond the first 2 or three, if you go around the bend to the left, staying close to the canyon wall, you'll come to more hoodoos and "unofficial" trails. At about 5 miles you'll reach the last group, which absolutely outstanding (you'll know when you get there). Get a reasonable early AM start; take plenty of water; allow around 7 hrs total to have time to eat, photograph and enjoy the scenery. Avoid going if the stream is running high, rain is predicted, or in very hot weather.
Escrita el 20 de mayo de 2017
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Any word on the status of the 3 mile round-trip shortcut off of Cottonwood Canyon Road? We only have the afternoon to explore, so 9 miles would be too far. Thanks!
Escrita el 19 de septiembre de 2018
For those who have done this hike, how physically demanding is the hike? Would this hike take up the whole day? How was the road condition from the paved road to the parking lot and how long would it take to drive there from the main road?
Thanks in advance,
Escrita el 13 de julio de 2016
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