Kankabal Villas

Kankabal Villas

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N.º 1 de 1 casa de campo en Tunkás
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Las calificaciones por estrellas indican el nivel general de las características, los servicios y las comodidades que se pueden esperar. Este establecimiento recibe su clasificación de acuerdo con Giata.
2.5 de 5 estrellas
Para la familia


Rancho Kankabal, Tunkás 97650 México
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Cómo llegar al establecimiento
Cancun Airport
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DirkSt escribió una opinión en ene 2023
1.0 de 5 burbujas
Don’t go there ! It is unsafe. The biggest disappointment ever! We booked the house by Airbnb and the pictures of the house looked quite nice. There was one review of the house with a 5 on 5 as rating. When we arrived at the house , we were extremely tired and jet lagged. The house concept is beautiful but unfortunately they didn’t take care of the house. Windows are dirty, there were at least 10 wasp nests sticking at the walls and windows. Humidity stains on the walls. Outside Lighting system kept on working day and night. The curtains not working in one of the bedrooms! Furniture/decoration in bedrooms extremely limited.Kitchen underequipped. No hot water in one of the bathrooms. The water in the swimming pool at the house looked dirty and there was no filtering system There were no sunning loungers at the house. At the big swimming pool of the resort were only 4 sunning loungers who were extremely uncomfortable. The bigger swimming pool at the hacienda looked also dirty. Christmas decorations at the hacienda looked macabre . And last but not least: when my son was trying to bake eggs on the gas stove for his breakfast he got a severe electric shock . As I thought it was a coincidence, I touched it myself, and indeed it was a serious electric high voltage discharge. The combination of a failing electricity system and a gas stove seemed to me extremely dangerous and explosive. There were no fire extinguishers ! As we were leaving that morning I wanted to speak to the manager Javier. He was not present at the site and he called me on the mobile phone. First he was questioning my complaints and he was telling me that I should have explained him earlier the problems. He was minimising the electricity problem . I explained him that I was a doctor and that this electric discharge could have been deadly for a small child At the end he promised a 50% reimbursement of the total reservation. I agreed on that . A few hours later to my big surprise he reimbursed only 20% and explained to me that as we stayed the 2 days he only wanted to reimburse me 20%. . The manager seemed to me lazy , uninterested and at certain moments arrogant. I explained him that he should do a better job as a manager.
Conclusion: don’t go there, it is unsafe, dirty and management is unpleasant!
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Fecha de la estadía: enero de 2023Tipo de viaje: Viajé con familia
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KANKABAL VILLAS (Tunkás, México) - opiniones y comentarios - casa de campo - Tripadvisor

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Kankabal Villas
¿Está Kankabal Villas ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad?
Sí, está a 0.2 km del centro de Tunkás.