Montague Row Bed & Breakfast

Montague Row Bed & Breakfast

66 Montague Row, Digby, Nueva Escocia B0V 1A0 Canadá

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N.º 11 de 12 B&Bs en Digby
5.0 de 5 burbujas
5.0 de 5 burbujas
5.0 de 5 burbujas
5.0 de 5 burbujas
5.0 de 5 burbujas
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66 Montague Row, Digby, Nueva Escocia B0V 1A0 Canadá
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Puntuación: 49 de 100
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retired-luvnit escribió una opinión en oct 2009
metro Atlanta
5.0 de 5 burbujas
This was one of five B&B’s on our recent trip to Nova Scotia. Each was special in its own way and this one was no exception. We stayed in the large cottage adjacent to the main building for two nights. It was totally private, located on a quite street, and with a great view of the bay. The set up was quite nice, with comfy bed, great linens, refrig, microwave, large bedroom with dining and sitting area, and a large bathroom. Surprisingly, it was handicap accessible, with parking near the door, a roll-in shower stall, and a ramp to the main building, where breakfast was served. It also had a large second floor loft, with two twin beds (but no bathroom).

Be sure to ask for two bath mats so that one and the squeegee can be used as a dam. The roll-in shower stall isn’t sloped quite properly and LOTS of water runs into the bathroom, under the shelves near the shower. She plans to have a ledge installed to prevent it, but if it hasn’t been corrected by the time you stay there, ask for the extra mat.

Heather was a knowledgeable, friendly, helpful hostess and fixed us a good breakfast each morning. The eggs and ham/Canadian bacon were a welcome change after several days of pancakes at other B&Bs. She had a fire going in our wood burning stove each evening when we came to our cottage and had wood inside the unit for us to use throughout the evening.

A dog and cat are both allowed in the main house. However, Heather will graciously move them from the dining area if there are non-animal people in the group.
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Fecha de la estadía: octubre de 2009
5.0 de 5 burbujasCalidad/precio
5.0 de 5 burbujasHabitaciones
5.0 de 5 burbujasUbicación
5.0 de 5 burbujasLimpieza
5.0 de 5 burbujasServicio
Tipo de viaje: Viajé con mi pareja
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
seatourist escribió una opinión en ago 2009
Seattle, Washington
5.0 de 5 burbujas
I've been to many B&Bs but this one was the most welcoming and had the best food. Your surroundings are beautiful, I've never seen so many wonderful and ecclectic antiques from around the world in one place, except a museum! I love the home made breakfast with mostly local ingredients, not sure how Heather does it day after day, perfect way to start a day of walking or just doing nothing. I'd like to bring my extended family and stay in the house and cottage, take advantage of family outings on the beach and in town.
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Fecha de la estadía: agosto de 2009
5.0 de 5 burbujasCalidad/precio
5.0 de 5 burbujasHabitaciones
5.0 de 5 burbujasUbicación
5.0 de 5 burbujasLimpieza
5.0 de 5 burbujasServicio
Tipo de viaje: Viajé con mi pareja
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
countryboy276 escribió una opinión en jul 2009
Indianapolis, IN area
5.0 de 5 burbujas
You will love the view of the Bay of Fundy from various places at this great bed and breakfast. Heather is knowledgeable, informative and willing to help with suggestions and recommendations. We stayed in the cottage located beside the main house, although we ate breakfast in the main house. If you walk away from the breakfast table hungry it's you own fault. There is a walking trail that is behind the house that will take you to the stairs down to the beach. You can visit the beach area in high and low tide. We found lots of shells and a assortment of neat rocks.
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Fecha de la estadía: julio de 2009
5.0 de 5 burbujasCalidad/precio
5.0 de 5 burbujasHabitaciones
5.0 de 5 burbujasUbicación
5.0 de 5 burbujasLimpieza
5.0 de 5 burbujasServicio
Tipo de viaje: Viajé con mi pareja
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
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$6,036 - $6,304 (Basado en tarifas promedio para una habitación estándar)
CanadáNueva EscociaSouthwest Nova ScotiaDigby
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MONTAGUE ROW BED & BREAKFAST desde $6,036 (Digby, Canadá) - opiniones y comentarios - b & b - Tripadvisor

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Montague Row Bed & Breakfast
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Montague Row Bed & Breakfast?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Admiral Digby Museum (0.2 km), Digby Pier Lighthouse (0.6 km) y Atlantic Treasures (0.8 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Montague Row Bed & Breakfast?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son The Wheelhouse Seafood And Pasta, Fundy Restaurant y The Crow's Nest - Digby - Shore Thing Seafood.
¿Está Montague Row Bed & Breakfast ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad?
Sí, está a 0.5 km del centro de Digby.
¿Hay sitios históricos cerca de Montague Row Bed & Breakfast?
Muchos viajeros disfrutan de visitar Port-Royal National Historic Site (15.3 km).
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